Strategic Plan

16 Goals; 100 Objectives
SBCS will reinvigorate our existing sense of Catholicity and seek out constant newness in our faith.
Goal 1
Cultivate the faith of students to be more active, explicit, and intrinsically motivated.
1.1. Provide an annual, well-planned retreat for middle school students, partnering with NET, local area young ministry leaders, a Catholic college campus ministry, or FOCUS.
1.2. Develop a weekly bible study program (student facilitated and led) with a focus on prayer and scripture reading for middle school students.
1.3. Develop (or adopt) a moral development/formation plan (standards and benchmarks) for SBCS students. This will go beyond the religion textbooks to ensure that a strong moral foundation is instilled that will carry them throughout life.
1.4. Conduct a high school night at St. Benedict on a semi-annual basis where a St. Michael student speaks to students and parents about the impact Catholic education has had on them.
Goal 2
Strengthen relationships with the regional church communities that support St. Benedict.
2.1. Begin a public relations/marketing campaign based on baptisms in the area parishes. Following each baptism and annually for the next few years, the family will receive a note from SBCS. On the fourth anniversary, invite the family to visit the school. On the sixth anniversary, follow-up once more as the child nears first communion.
2.2. Invite parishioners to attend a SBCS Mass when their pastor is presiding. Encourage them to stay for a tour with student ambassadors from their parish and a visit with the principal.
2.3. Conduct semi-annual presentations regarding the impact of a Catholic education at parish Masses, rotating alumni, parents, students (of that parish in uniform), and principal.
2.4. Promote parish events to parents, students, and alumni through newsletter and social media.
Goal 3
Attract qualified teachers, improve morale, and support professional growth and development.

SBCS will provide an excellent educational foundation by empowering teachers to inspire, support, and meet the individual needs of every student to achieve their full potential as critical thinkers and lifelong learners.
Goal 4
Strengthen the academic experience through building foundational skills and academic rigor.

Goal 5
Foster an engaging student-centered learning environment.

Goal 6
Support parent engagement with classroom activities and their child’s learning progress.
6.1. Each teacher will provide a beginning of the year parent orientation (both face-to-face and virtual) to discuss the teacher’s methods, expectations, communication, grade level objectives, and ways the parents can support their child’s learning throughout the school year.
6.2. Streamline home-school communications, utilizing one electronic platform for school-wide announcements, reminders, requests, grades, class assignments, etc.
6.3. Ensure an open line of communication with families by implementing a regular principal and teacher “check in” to discuss each student’s progress, successes, and areas of potential growth (principal once a semester / teacher once a quarter).
6.4. Identify strategies to help parents better understand their child’s performance on standardized test and classroom assessment data so they can effectively support their child’s learning.
SBCS will expand student and parental involvement in extracurricular activities to foster a sense of school community and to promote the school in the community.
Goal 7
Increase student engagement and excitement about our extracurricular activities, especially service and ministry involvement in our Catholic community.

Goal 8
Enlist more volunteers (parents, grandparents, parishioners, alumni) to assist with extracurricular activities and to encourage student participation.
8.1. Educate volunteers regarding the importance of mandatory CAPPS and insurance coverages necessary to volunteer and provide more frequent and convenient training. Ensure a staff member is equipped to verify those who are CAPPS trained.
8.2. Advertise volunteer opportunities for parents, alumni, and parishioners in a timely fashion.
8.3. Organize, plan, and clarify roles/directions for volunteers using strong leadership and delegation. Be sure to welcome them upon arrival and follow up with a thank you card.
8.4. Utilize a single method for volunteer signups for all functions.
8.5. Invite parents to participate and support school various activities through a stewardship approach to contribute time, treasure, and talent.
8.6. Invite retirees from all parishes to volunteer to share their knowledge and skill sets.
SBCS will improve the awareness of the school in the community and increase enrollment.
Goal 9
Maximize marketing efforts and gain more exposure in the community to increase enrollment.

Goal 10
Ensure sustainable, long-term revenue sources.
10.1. Invite SCBS stakeholders to support the Academics + Scholarship (Alabama Opportunity Scholarship Program) through the state tax credit program and to donate to the Catholic Foundation.
10.2. Develop planned giving materials to inform parishioners, alumni (including former students), and snowbirds on how to leave a bequest or to donate real estate in their wills.
10.3. Establish a corporate engagement committee (consisting of SBCS alumni and parent business owners) to maximize corporate sponsors.
10.4. Enlist companies and individuals to fund scholarships (including angel scholarships to support students all the way through SBCS), professional development, a classroom, a textbook series, a technology drive, an academic initiative, and/or an innovative
extracurricular club. Create an event to thank those companies and individuals.
10.5. Invest in state-of-the-art software to support annual and/or monthly online giving and matching gifts.
10.6. Engage all alumni/friends of SBCS in the annual fund through direct and/or electronic mail.
10.7. Invite service-oriented community groups and parish organizations (Men’s Club, Ladies Group, Knights of Columbus, Rotary Clubs, Optimist Club, snowbird groups, etc.) to the school and enlist their support.
10.8. Maximize utilization of county, state, and federal programs to support preschool enrollment, special education, professional development, English language learning, and academic initiatives.
10.9. Hire a full time advancement director (as funding allows).
10.10. Recruit a grant writer to identify and apply for grants through local, regional, and national foundations.
Goal 11
Engage all stakeholder groups in celebrating SBCS’s Centennial Year.
11.1. Assemble a Centennial Committee to oversee a yearlong, multi-faceted Centennial celebration.
11.2. Devise a publicity campaign to include Centennial branding, general communications, alumni engagement, news media management, social media, print materials, t-shirts, etc.
11.3. Hold opening and closing Centennial liturgies and receptions to engage stakeholder groups with special involvement by pastors of supporting parishes, Archbishop, Abbot of St. Bernard Monastery, Prioress of Sacred Heart Convent, and principals from across the Archdiocese.
11.4. Host two major social gatherings: a casual family picnic and a formal Gala.
11.5. Engage the campus community (students, parents, faculty) in special Centennial projects. 11.6. Develop a robust Centennial Fund initiative with the goal of raising $500,000. Display the names of Centennial sponsors in a permanent manner on campus.
Goal 12
Foster a lifelong, meaningful relationship with SBCS alumni and former students.

SBCS will plan for current and future facility needs for safety, maintenance, renovation, compliance, and expansion.
Goal 13
Enhance the safety, security, and aesthetic appearance of the school.
13.1. Develop and implement a plan to increase the curb appeal for the front of the school.
13.2. Create an enclosed well-lit lobby between the existing office and old library by installing double doors. Install a security door within the newly defined lobby, requiring visitors to be screened prior to gaining access to the school’s interior.
13.3. Enhance the security of all gated access points on campus.
13.4. Define the outdoor space for sports and outdoor activities and restore these defined areas by leveling the ground, installing irrigation and new sod.
13.5. Upgrade outdoor play areas and equipment, e.g., playground, basketball area, soccer goals, etc.
13.6. Improve signage directing visitors to the entrance and administrative offices.
13.7. Define parking areas for visitors at the front of the school and for faculty on the north side.
13.8. Install School Zone signage and road striping or a speed bump in front of the school.
13.9. Replace current closed circuit security system with wireless cameras that allow file sharing.
13.10. Install powder coated galvanized steel picket fencing around the perimeter.
13.11. Paint or panel the ceiling and enhance the lighting of breezeways.
13.12. Enclose breezeways (fully or partially) especially between the gym and first classroom.
Goal 14
Optimize, modernize, and make classroom spaces more accessible within the existing structures.
14.1. Consult with teachers and staff to audit space and technology needs.
14.2. Increase the number of picnic tables for both middle school and intermediate areas and add an outdoor eating pavilion.
14.3. Conduct an ADA assessment of the school facilities, identify and consider feasible changes. 14.4. Provide flexible seating options for the classrooms.
14.5. Upgrade electrical wiring throughout classrooms and replace fluorescent with LED lighting. 14.6. Install new blinds in each classroom.
Goal 15
Develop a routine maintenance plan for facilities and provide for its ongoing implementation.

Goal 16
Plan for future facilities to accommodate potential growth and the needs of future generations.
16.1. Establish criteria to set into motion the planning stages for a possible new school facility.
16.2. Identify the specific needs of a new school and develop a study to plan for cost estimates, location, design, funding, acquisitions, and construction.